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    关于网络舆情监控的外文文献名: 跪求关于网络舆论暴力的英文文献1篇!!!

    回楼上的,网络舆论暴力主要指的是网民通过群起而攻之的方式,批判社会现象和个人,具体的表现有人肉搜索等现象。 这方面英文资料比较少,是因为西方有健全的法制体系,人们不需要通过匿名的方式来从网络揭露丑恶现象。 时代周刊文章: Human flesh search engines: Chinese vigilantes that hunt victims on the web 参阅地址:http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4213681.ece forbes社论:The Human Flesh Search Engine 参阅地址:http://www.forbes.com/2008/11/21/human-flesh-search-tech-identity08-cx_cb_1121obrien.html 收起回答

    其他答案:能说的再详细一点吗? 是什么暴力... 家庭暴力?社会暴力?政治暴力? 一篇关于社会暴力的。。。 http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdfplus/25115544.pdf

    其他答案:外文文献有,翻译没有,翻译得靠你自己了,如果需要回复邮箱地址即可,希望能满足你的需要,能帮到你,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的追问,直接百度hi中留言贴出你需要的问题的链接地址及邮箱地址 外文文献已发送1179471521@qq.com邮箱,翻译没有,翻译得靠你自己了,希望能满足你的需要,能帮到你,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的追问

    其他答案:给你找了一篇2008年6月25日的《人肉搜索引擎:中国人自发的网络搜寻群体》(不知是否会被屏蔽) http://technology.timesonline.co.uk./tol/news/tech_and_web/article4213681.ece

    关于网络舆情监控的外文文献名: 网络舆论暴力相关的英文文献

    The discussion in this paper began by tracing the origins of the definition of marketing, schools of marketing and the market orientation construct, research on a market orientation was the characterized into one of three groups: (1) research revisiting scale properties; (2)research applying original scales to different contexts; and (3) research examining the antecedents and consequences of following a market orientation. The discussion them moved on to provide reasons why existing market orientation scales are deficient in explaining the behavior of firms operating in today's environment. A conclusion of this paper is to encourage researchers to revisit what it means to be market oriented using the 2004 AMA definition of marketing and the emerging stakeholder school of marketing thought to develop scales accordingly. One advantage of developing a new scale or scales is that we will be better placed to understand the antecedents and consequences of market driven and driving market firms operating in macro environment where the importance of stakeholders has become paramount. Stakes Rising In Cyber Manhunt CBS/AP) If he were still around, Wild West outlaw Jesse James might feel like small fry by comparison. The creators of the LovSan/Blaster worm and the SoBig virus have large bounties out for their arrest - rewards to be posted Wednesday at an unusual joint news conference being held in Washington by the FBI, the Secret Service, Interpol and Microsoft Corporation. CBS News has confirmed that Microsoft will be providing the reward money for information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the still unidentified creators of the LovSan/Blaster worm and the SoBig virus: reportedly $250,000 in each case. There was an arrest last August in a related case - Jeffrey Parson, 18, of Hopkins, Minn. - but he is not accused of being the original creator of Blaster, which is also known as LovSan and MSBlast. Parson, whose trial is scheduled to begin Nov. 17 in Seattle, has pleaded not guilty to crippling over 7,000 computers by modifying Blaster and then unleashing it into cyberspace. If convicted, Parson could be sentenced to as much as ten years in prison, plus fines. In September, federal authorities in Seattle revealed they had made a second arrest - of an individual whose name is being withheld because the suspect is a juvenile. The crime is the same as Parson: making a variant of Blaster, called "RPCSDBOT," and then distributing it along with its harmful effects. Various versions of the Blaster worm snarled computer networks around the world beginning last August, affecting over a million computers. Just as computer users were recovering from Blaster, they got hit only days later by the equally hated SoBig virus, which clogged e-mail in-boxes with a ferocity that caused trouble for both networks and individuals. The rewards being posted by Microsoft represent a new tactic by the software giant, which was specifically targeted by the creator of Blaster. The computer worm exploited a security flaw in Microsoft Windows - which was subsequently repaired, with a patch available for download, although many computer users and networks got zapped regardless when they failed to download the patch. The worm came with two messages: "I just want to say LOVE YOU SAN" and "Billy Gates, why do you make this possible? Stop making money and fix your software!" Even before 2003's many worms and viruses were unleashed on millions worldwide - Microsoft had begun a new campaign to improve computer security, to protect its flagship product, Windows, and convince consumers that it is safe. "New security risks have emerged on a scale that few in our industry fully anticipated," said Gates, Microsoft chairman, in a January e-mail launching the company's campaign, pointing to estimates that hackers and other electronic attacks caused $455 million in damage to various companies in the year 2001. At that time, Gates pointed to passwords as the weak link, and said Microsoft will increase its support for their replacement by smart cards, which employ other methods including random numbers to identify authorized users. This year's harvest of cyber crime has not gone unnoticed in Washington. Amit Yoran, a vice president from the anti-virus company Symantec, was chosen in mid-September to be the cyber security chief at the Department of Homeland Security. His mission is strengthening computer networks and convincing Americans to improve their defenses against hackers, disgruntled employees, commercial rivals and foreign ... 收起回答

    其他答案:外文文献有,翻译没有,翻译得靠你自己了,如果需要回复邮箱地址即可,希望能满足你的需要,能帮到你,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的追问,直接百度hi中留言贴出你需要的问题的链接地址及邮箱地址 外文文献已发送1179471521@qq.com邮箱,翻译没有,翻译得靠你自己了,希望能满足你的需要,能帮到你,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的追问

    其他答案:自己看吧 懒得发邮件 时代周刊文章: Human flesh search engines: Chinese vigilantes that hunt victims on the web 参阅地址:http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4213681.ece forbes社论:The Human Flesh Search Engine 参阅地址:http://www.forbes.com/2008/11/21/human-flesh-search-tech-identity08-cx_cb_1121obrien.html

    关于网络舆情监控的外文文献名: 急求网络摄像头手机监控系统的相关外文文献


    其他答案:这个确实是有的,iphone暂时我没听说过。因为理论上这类软件是无法上架的,必须是越狱的。 非凡手机监控软件,是可以监控手机摄像头的,自动开启3g和wifi。还可以获取手机短信、通话记录、定位等。

    关于网络舆情监控的外文文献名: 舆情监控系统的英文全称是什么?谁知道-百度知道

    中文名称:互联网舆情监控系统 英文名称:Network Monitoring System 英文简称:NMS...


    网络舆情精确的说呢只能是监测而不能是监控,监控带有暴力手段,呵呵。监测是监督引导言论,掌握社情民意。国内的有几家做舆情监测的,我知道人民网舆情监测室,他们是很专业的,你可以去了解下,希望对你有所协助。什么是舆情监控? n我通知你点网络监控的吧。从一种网络设备来了解网络技术。 n n网猫laneCat介绍 nLaneCat网猫是国内抢先的网络监控办理系统软件,集成网络办理、网络监控、邮件监控、谈天监控、流量监控、P2P操控、股票操控、局域网上网办理等功用,软件按多言语界面规划,现包括简体、繁体、英文、日文、韩文等五种言语。 n LaneCat网猫软件规划的宗旨在于办理上网行为,进而进步政府机关、企事业等单位的办事工作功率,一起尽量下降来自互联网的政治危险、法令危险、名誉危险、机密走漏、生产力丢失等危险。 n LaneCat网猫软件对错常有用的网络监控、网络办理工具,是您互联网上网办理的好帮手。 n LaneCat网猫是电信级的互联网监控软件,能有用监督、操控和记载局域网上计算机在互联网上活动行为,它可以实时记载局域网内计算机一切收发的邮件、 阅读的网页以及FTP上传下载的文件,监督和办理网内用户的谈天行为,约束、阻断网内用户拜访指定网络资源或网络协议。 n LaneCat网猫适合贸易公司、进出口公司、安全组织、公安部门等单位的网络安全人员、网络办理人员、企业主管、私营老板、行政主管等人员以及网络喜好 者运用。 n LaneCat网猫用于勘探、阻拦、搜集和办理网络资源,规范网络有用合法运用,可防止单位重要材料机密文件等泄密,监督检查网络运用行为,备份重要网络资源文件。 n LaneCat网猫是电信级的网络监控软件: n1) 特别底层规划,底层驱动支撑千兆流量监控,更高的处理功率;具有快速的反响才能,比同类软件具有更稳定高效的处理功率。 n2) LaneCat网猫底层能一起监控多个网卡; n3) 改善数据库功用,稳定高效的数据库,支撑SQL Server企业版升级; n4) MSN谈天内容监控,完成MSN、QQ文件传输内容的监控; n5) 不看用户手册也能运用,更友爱、更便利的操作界面; n6) 真实的C/S(客户机/服务器)软件,支撑长途办理和长途查看,支撑分级权限办理; n7) 简化的监控战略,非常简练地完成您的监控要求; n8) 便利有用、且翔实的历史记载查询功用; n9) 完善的监控记载紧缩、备份、导出、康复功用; n10) 丰厚、具体而有用的监控记载报表功用; n11) 能操控和阻断bt和电驴等p2p下载工具; n12) 监控和记载一切网页张贴、论坛留言、WEBmail邮件等一切通过HTTP协议的网络外发行为。 n关键词:上网监管,网络监控,邮件监控,谈天监控,网络办理,上网监控,上网办理,网络监控软件,网页监控,邮件备份,上网过滤,网页过滤,办理上网,局域网办理,局域网监控,网络监督,邮件监督,上网监督,网络监测,邮件监测,监控MSN,监控QQ,约束上网,约束谈天,上网约束,谈天约束,操控上网,网络办理软件,网络办理程序,约束QQ,约束MSN,封堵QQ,制止MSN,FTP监控,email监控,邮件办理,网络游戏监督,流量监控监督,流量操控约束,… … n n n网络监控呢大致分2种,衔接操控和内容操控。上面的比如呢是内容操控的软件,选用旁路监听方法,取得网络出口的一切数据。所以,一切的通过网络的数据都逃不过它的操控。还不错哦。





    网络舆情监控是指通过对网络各类信息汇集、分类、整合、筛选等技术处理,再形成对网络热点、动态、网民意见等实时统计报表的一个过程。而想要做好网络舆情监控,必须要有这些先决条件。 做好舆情监控工作,必须和专业的舆情监测公司合作。 首先,要有专业的舆情监测系统做技术支持。舆情监测系统能够及时发现与“我”相关的舆情信息,负面信息、重大舆情及时预警;提供定性定量的舆情研判分析,准确研判具体舆情或者某一舆情专题事件的发展变化趋势;自动生成舆情报告和各种统计数据,舆情导控等创新手段,提高舆情工作的质量和效率,辅助领导决策。 其次,和专业公司合作,更大的优势在于有专业的技术人员支持,有舆情公关专家的不间断的指导支持,不仅可以提高处理舆情的效率和安全度,更重要的是能提高公司公关部门的素质,通过一定时间的对接和支持,能够有效提升公关部门的业务能力,一些可以应对的小舆情也就不用再麻烦别人,交给公关部就可以搞定。 目前福州本地的网络舆情公司,像是东南舆情研究中心就能够提供这样的服务。它是福建省首家专注于为大型国有企业、金融机构及党政部门提供网络舆情量化监测、分析研判、声誉评估、市场调研、广告监测等系列服务的互联网舆情研究机构。机构下设党政事业部、能源事业部、交通事业部、金融事业部、两岸关系研究部及亚太事业部等六大专业舆情研究部门。目前已成为中央网信办、国家互联网信息办公室、共青团中央、福建省委宣传部、福建省网信办、福建省纪委等数十家机构的信息服务供应商。年输出近3000份各类报告。拥有自己的舆情系统,能够提供基于海量数据抓取、精准语义分析的网络舆情监测系统定制、民意专题调研以及社会化媒体数据分析等系列信息产品服务。



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